The wedding party for Charles Day and Lura Bancroft, taken on the porch of Lura's
    parents' house, at 46 Hopedale Street. (The house next to the Bancroft Library.) The
    wedding took place on September 11, 1897.The photo is from the Bancroft Library
    Hopedale history collection.

    The group includes Lura at the right, in front, her parents, Joseph and Sylvia Bancroft,
    and her brother,Eben Draper Bancroft all also in the front row. Lura's sister, Anna
    Bancroft is in the dark dress in the middle of the back row. The man behind her is
    probably Howard Bracken, husband of Lilla Bancroft Bracken. The groom, Charles
    Day, is behind Lura. Thanks to Dr. Robert Smith for help with identifications and also
    for the clipping below. Articles from the Milford Daily Journal and Milford Daily News
    are from the Bancroft Library.

Joseph Bancroft          Sylvia Bancroft         Eben Draper Bancroft   

Lilla Bancroft Bracken Pratt          HOME   

The Days' home, Bellecrest, at 49 Hopedale Street.

    Here the name is given as Laura, but
    everywhere else that I've seen it, it's Lura.