Dinner for 100??? That's a lot more than the number who lived there. Both the
    Hopedale House and the nearby Park House were owned by Drapers. Possibly
    meals for both were served at the Hopedale House.. Click here to read more about
    both of them.

    This intersection was first known as Hopedale
    Corner, and later as Patrick's Corner.

Hopedale in August 2014

Hopedale history ezine for August 1 - War Memorial   

Ezine for mid-August -
The Parklands and the Railroad   

Ezine for September 1 -
Coal by Rail   

Hopedale in July             Recent Pictures Menu             HOME   


    I had some of this about the sale of Oakledge on the July page near
    the end of the month, but most of you had probably taken your last
    look before then, so I thought it was worth putting up here. Click here
    for an article about Oakledge when it was first built. Click here to go
    to the Seven Hills Foundation site.

    Wild raspberries and blueberries I picked in Hopedale.
    Ice cream picked at Hannaford's in Milford.

    I can name six people who had automobiles in 1910.  There may have been a few
    more, but surely all the cars in town would not exceed a dozen, and these were not all in
    daily use.  So it was that the sound of a motor was rarely heard, and the skies overhead
    were the exclusive domain of clouds and birds, as I firmly believe the Creator intended.  
    The heavens had not yet been desecrated by roaring monsters,because only recently
    had the Wright Brothers succeeded in getting off the ground for a few seconds. Charles
    Merrill, Hopedale As I Found It  (Hopedale in 1910)

    The Legion Home once stood where the
    police station is now. (On left in photo above.)
    The Harrison Block, on the right, was referred
    to as the Gibbs block during the years when
    Mr. Gibbs was the druggist there.

    August 4 - Raspberry season is about over, but now I can pick pears. There are
    also a couple of places in town where I should be able to find blackberries.

Mendon Street - August 5.

Friendly - 200? - 2014

Friendly and his daughter, Ching-ching

    Neighboring town photo for August - Octagon house on Fruit Street,
    Milford. Click here to see pictures of the octagons of Hopedale.

    We had some hail for a few minutes
    around 4:30 pm on the 7th.

Blackstone River, Woonsocket - August 11.

Truck on the G&U track in the Parklands - August 14

    Award ceremony in Hopedale
    Town Park after the Larry Olsen
    Road Race - August 16.

Moth on window.

Hopedale Village Cemetery

    Council on Aging birthday party at the
    Community House on August 20 for
    Hopedale residents aged 80 or more.
    At left - entertainment by a magician.

Click here to read about the origin of the street name, Fitzgerald Drive.

The lettuce is gone. Come back next year.

Final movie in the park for the season.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

    A rare sight. American chestnut trees are fairly common, but by the time they get to be
    about fifteen feet, they get hit by the blight and die. It's unusual for them to live long
    enough to bear nuts. We saw this one when paddling on North Pond on August 23.

    In the fall, it was fun to gather chestnuts.  At that time, the woods and roadsides
    abounded with chestnut trees.  Now, not one can be found anywhere.  All were swept
    out of existence by a blight in the early twenties.  With them went many of the gray
    squirrels, and all of the red ones, both of which depended so much on chestnuts for
    their food in winter. Charles Merrill, Hopedale As I Found It.