HHS gym teacher Mary Perry explains a few things about mass and energy to her friend, Al Einstein. Unfortunately for Mary, Al took all the credit. Click on the picture to see more about Mary.
Maybe you can find Dennis Sullivan and Arnold Silverstone in this one.
Bill Beard and wife.
This photo includes Muriel Moore and Jack McKeon. Jack is on the left in the purple shirt, and Jimmy Lovejoy in the yellow shirt
Tussy and Janet Kimball
Hopedale High Class of 1961
Sixty year class reunion – 2021
Front row: Karen Caufield Pendelton , Carol Barsanti Pellegrino, Judy Hattersley Oldfield.
Second row: Mary Belforti Bejune, Dick Moore, Joanne Flooks Johnson
Third row: Rick Iannetelli, Bill Krauss, Rolland Morin, Dennis Sullivan, Roland Boucher, Muriel Moore Colthart.
Hopedale High Class of 1961
Thanks to Carol (Barsanti) Pellegrino and Carol (Rose) Edmunds for the photos and names.