Milford – 1780

by Adin Ballou

Milford, including what is now Hopedale, separated from Mendon in 1780. As part of their large centennial celebration in 1880, Adin Ballou wrote History of Milford. What follows comes from that book, telling about the area a century earlier. DM

  One Hundred Years Ago

When we reach the commencement of the centennial period, whose glorious completion this day we celebrate, Milford was still a mere parochial precinct, with less than seven hundred inhabitants. They had thus far multiplied by natural increase and influx from the older colonial settlements. They inhabited comparatively lowly dwellings, situated here and there on more than fifty legally laid town-roads, ways and bridle paths. Most of these were crooked and cheaply constructed thread-lines of communication. The main thoroughfare through our center was known, in early days, as “the Sherborn road.” It led from Mendon Town to Holliston, originally a part of Sherborn, and was a rustic bridle and cart path long before being sanctioned as a regular public highway. It will astonish the present generation to be told the fact, that down to 1800 there were not above twenty-five residences on this Sherborn road, from Mendon line to that of Holliston. Yet it has always been the most populous road within our nearly nineteen square miles of territory.

The inhabitants generally subsisted, before the Revolution and for years afterward, mainly on the products of their diligent husbandry. There were only a few mechanical craftsmen pursuing their respective avocations, such as blacksmiths, carpenters, tanners, shoemakers, tailors, clothiers, etc. Manufactures were so primitive and crude, that smart wags of neighboring localities contemptuously nicknamed the “Easterly Precinct” Broomshire; implying that it throve by the manufacture and sale of splint brooms, wrought Indian-fashion from ash and birch saplings. But when they saw Capt. Samuel Warren raise thirty resolute minute-men, and march them well drilled to Roxbury, before the sun had set on the bloody field of Lexington, most of whom served through the war; and that Dr. William Jennison, a chosen delegate to the famous Provincial Congress, was so fired with patriotism as to give the town of Mendon a brass field-piece, — even Broomshire commanded their respect; for Milford never lacked martial patriotism or physical enterprise. So its nickname soon fell into oblivion, and at length it outgrew its early superiors.

Here, then, we may briefly contrast our past with our present. One hundred years ago Milford was a small precinct, having a sparsely settled population of less than 700 souls; to-day it is a flourishing town, with almost 10,000 inhabitants. One hundred years ago it probably had 110 families; to-day it has 2,000 families. Then, perhaps, 100 dwelling houses; now more than 1,500. Then not more than 150 legal voters; now more than 2,600. Then a valuation probably not exceeding $350,000; now one of over $5,000,000. Then little or no public schooling; now almost 2,400 children and youth liberally provided for in schools of higher and lower grade, at an annual expense of over $23,000. Milford reports an investment in schoolhouses of $64,300. It has over a dozen, several of them, beginning with the high-school edifice, eminently substantial and commodious. These significantly confront the cipher of a hundred years ago.

Rapid Transit

Shall I refer to our three railroads, whose snorting steam-horses take us to Boston, Worcester, or Providence in less time than formerly we could ride a few miles into the neighboring towns? Our ancestors were happy to foot it over hill and through dale, wherever occasion called, or to ride on horseback, single or double, or, rising in the scale of luxury, to enjoy conveyances in their memorable springless, hard-jolting, open wagons. Later, the famous old square-top chaise awoke the envious admiration of non-possessors, and then the bellows-top, and so on to our present genteel vehicles. Herein and all about us we behold the strides of progress. Adin Ballou, History of Milford, 437 – 439.

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