Memories Menu

Life in Hopedale, by or about:

Elizabeth AdamsHopedale Community member who lived to the age of 100.

John Albee – Life long ago in South Milford (Now South Hopedale.)

Ray Andreotti – Artist, and member of several town boards.

The Arnold Family  – Written in 1953.

David Atkinson – Growing up in Spindleville.

Leonard Baird – The Brae Burn, Drapers, Spartanburg, Greensboro, etc.

Eben Draper Bancroft – Son of Joseph and Sylvia Bancroft

Joseph Bancroft – An account of his life by his daughter, Lilla Bancroft Pratt.

Lilla (Bancroft) Bracken Pratt – Daughter of Joseph and Sylvia Bancroft

Charles and Lura (Bancroft) Day   – Daughter of Joseph and Sylvia Bancroft

Sylvia Bancroft – Also by Lilla Bancroft Pratt.

William H. Barney, Sr. and William H. Barney, Jr. –  WHB, Sr was manager of Hopedale Coal & Ice, and an early Hopedale photographer. WHB, Jr. provided information about his father and the photos.

Eva (Bresciani) Barsanti   – Working at the Brae Burn Inn and other Hopedale memories.

Otto Beiersdorf – Nephew of Paul von Hindenburg, gun collector.

John P. Benda – Eulogy.

Richard Bodreau – Growing up in Hopedale in the 1960s and ’70s.

George BushnellDraper and Country Club memories

Byrne Family Farm – A small dairy farm in the 1940s – Hartford Avenue

Kleber Campbell  – Country doctor

John Cembruch – Growing up in the Seven Sisters in the 30s and 40s, working at Drapers, the great Roosevelt prank, dealing with “the man,” the union, and more. Cembruch, Part 2  Part 3

Hester Chilson  – Hopedale resident from 1920 until her death in 2005 at the age of 100.

John Chute – White City

Marshall Clark – Growing up in Hopedale in the 1920s and 1930s.

Marge Clinton – Went to the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth  

John Coniaris, M.D. – Obituary

Michael Connelly
– A boys life in Hopedale, 1965 – 1970.

Dana Cutter – From pot scrubber to class president to plaque on the wall at CCHS.

Mike Cyr – Working in textile mills. Vanilla Coke – Mike’s memories of the drug store.

Virginia Cyr  –  Hopedale reporter for the Milford News.

Lucy Day – Obituary.

Esther “Tootsie” DelettiMilford,   Hopedale Pharmacy,   The Larches, etc.

Mort Dennett  – Town clerk for many years.

Charles Dillon, Jr. –  Drowned in Spindleville Pond, 1944.

Barbara and Tadeusz Duczakowski – Their lives during WWII.

Charles Espanet – Teacher, coach, parks department recreation director.

Freddie Evers – Snow plowing in the old days.Highway Department superintendent

Carol Strobeck Fannelli and Priscilla Knight Elliott  – Hopedale in the 1950s

Julius Firmin – Growing up in Fitzwilliam, NH, farming, driving truck, etc.

Frederick FitzGerald –  Draper research head killed in plane crash, 1960

Dana FrancisAerosmith and “pre-Aerosmith.”

Thomas Gaffney – Hopedale and Drapers back to the 1870s.

Gannett Family – By Dorothy Draper Gannett Hamlen, daughter off Gov. Draper

John “Gilly” Gilbertson – Served during World War II on a sailboat, and much more.

Robert “Zeke” Hammond  – Third-generation Hopedale resident – Depression memories.

Don Handley – The Town Hall Spa, 1940 – 1957

Marjorie Hattersley – Children’s librarian at the Bancroft Library.

Betty Henneberry – Growing up in South Hopedale

Heman Hersey  – One of the  last Hopedale residents to have smallpox.

Art Holmes – Hopedale in the 40s.

Bob Holmes  – Hopedale in the 40s.

Marjorie Horton – Growing up on Bancroft Park, the ski hill, and more.

Ruth and Frances Howarth – Champion swimmers, 1938 – 1940.

John and Eleanor (Crockett) Hutchinson – Milford News article, studying at the Sorbonne, etc..   

Patricia (McKeon) Johnson – Growing up in Hopedale in the 1940s.

Dr. Verner Johnson  – Office at Adin Street home in the 1950s.

Sam Kellogg – Highway superintendent, police chief, fire chief, selectman, etc., etc

Meredith Kennedy – Memories of the Bell family of Prospect Street.

Jeanne Kinney – Founder, Friends of Adin Ballou – Obituary and words of remembrance.

Dennis Lamothe – Obituary

William Lapworth – Hopedale Elastic Fabric Company.

Paul Lawson – The Pest House and Elmhurst Farm  

Joe Leoncini – Memories that go back to the twenties.

Ron L’Heureux – The Draper apprentice school.

Tom Lipsky   –Parklands memories.

Fred Loeper – Growing up in Hopedale in the 1960s.

Marilyn “Lyn” Lovell – Growing up on a Vermont farm.

Cecilia “CeCe” Malloy   Memories from friends and family

Dan Malloy – Memories of the 1940s and 1950s.

Ed Malloy
 – Henry Patricks, working in Milford, etc.    Ed’s Army service  

Elaine Malloy – Director of the Bancroft Library, 1988 – 2001.

Evelyn Malloy – Words of remembrance   

Tom Malloy   – Hopedale police chief from 1943 to 1963. 

Hermina Marcus    – White City, Drapers, the war years, softball, etc.

Al Marzetta   – The Maple Street neighborhood in the 1940s and 1950s.

John Mayo – A resident of The Ledges for 54 years, and well-known around town.

Don McGrath  – The Oak Street. Freedom Street neighborhood; horse-drawn milk wagons.

Dave Meade – Hopedale and Milford rock bands of the sixties and seventies.

Philip and Kenneth Melin – Died in Hopedale Airport plane crash, 1972.

Charles Merrill  – Hopedale in 1910.

The Midgley family – Coming to America from Keighley, Yorkshire.

Harry Midgley, Jr. – Injured by a “robot bomb.”

Wilfred Midgley – Prisoner of war during World War 11.

Carl Miner – Coach, gym teacher, obituary

Dick Moore   – Hopedale selectman, state senator, – An address to the Union Church Men’s Brotherhood, 1986

Denise Moroney – Growing up in Spindleville

Arnold Nealley – Photograper, hunter and fisherman.

Dana Newcombe – Aerosmith, the Hopedale Airport crash, and more.

Eugene Newhall – White Mountain vacation, 1910

William F. Northrop – Obituary

Elizabeth Noyes  – Born in Hopedale in 1890.

Winogene (Phipps) Noyes – Hopedale historian.

Beverly (Sparhawk) Orff – Born in what later became the Sacred Heart rectory.

Arthur “Red” Pennington – Cartoons of Draper employees in the 1950s.

Joe Perry and Aerosmith   

Mary Perry – Mary’s aerobics project, obituary

Mary Phillips – Memories of her Milford and Hopedale years

Robert S. Phillips – Obituary

Frances Rae  – Spindleville

Roy Rehbein  –  Also, growing up in Hopedale … .. and Roy’s “good night for a swim” story.

James Roberts – Diary entries from 1946.

Philip Roberts – Obituary and family photos

James Ronan – Obituary

Charles Roper – Inventor.

Sylvester Roper – Motorcycle inventor – Hopedale resident???

Rosenfeld family and business   

Kenneth Sanderson –  Inventor at Drapers and at home.

Mary Jean Newhall Seaburg  – Our Gang circuses and more.

Sheril Sears – Photos, plus poem written for Hopedale Centennial.

Roberta Simmons  – Spindleville.

Pearl Sneiderman – Saved crippled brother from fire

Claude Snider  – Draper executive

Anna Thwing Spaulding – Christmas in early Hopedale.

Dot Stanas  – Hopedale in the 30s and 40s.

John Stanas  – Champion swimmer

Leola Stearns – Henry Patrick’s Store

Henry Stenberg, Jr. – Obituary

Robert Stewart – Obituary

Marcelle Stoltz – Northrop street resident, grew up in France and Germany during World War II.

Peg Sweeney – The Boston Celtics at The Larches   

Reggie Sweet – The Westcott Mill

Al Tarca – Life in Milford, Hopedale, and in the Navy in World War II

Gilbert Thompson – A founder of the National Geographic Society. and fingerprinting pioneer.

Muriel (Henry) Tinkham – The Henry family farm on Dutcher Street.

D. Craig Travers  

John Verrelli – Draper employee, hunter, fisherman

Peg Viens   – Honored on 100th birthday

Dick Volpe – The Navy, Drapers, ATF Davidson, Data General, and more.

Richard Wade – Obituary

Samuel Walker –  President of Home National Bank, mansion near Mill River

Warfield family genealogy   

H. Edson Wheeler – A fascinating life, ending in Spindleville.

Bill Wright – Memories of Joe Perry and the early days of Aerosmth, etc., and links to more of Bill’s memories.

Gary Wright – A Hopedale Pond fish story.

World War II – the war years in Hopedale – Memories of Dot (Bell) Stanas, Muriel (Henry) Tinkham, Liz (Gaskill) Demars, Perry and Shirley (Patinaude ) MacNevin, Phil Roberts, Dave Atkinson, and Dan Malloy.

Origen Young – Noted organist.

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