This is one of the earliest newspaper clippings about the Boy Scouts in Hopedale. Click on it to go to a page with more of them.
Above and below – Hopedale Pond.
War Veterans Memorial at Hopedale Village Cemetery. Click on the picture to go to a page about it, along with links to pages about the men whose names are on it.
Veterans Day program sponsored by the Council on Aging and the Community House.
The clipping below is about the long-gone World War I honor roll, that was on the piece of lawn between the town hall and Depot Street.
Looking across Spindleville Pond at the former Westcott shop where spindles for the textile industry were made. Click on the picture to go to a page about it.
The mysterious missing statue of General Draper that once stood by his home on Adin Street. Click on the postcard photo to read about it.
Putting the new winter cover on the Statue of Hope – November 9.
In 1903, when the statue was due to arrive from Waldo Story’s studio in Rome, General Draper was hearing a rumor about an affair. He became worried that Story had things on his mind other than finishing the statue, so he wrote to Story about it. Click here for the story of Story’s statue and see the letter and pictures of the other half of the affair, Bessie Abott, an opera star.
That’s the new cover for the statue in the picture below.
Click on the picture to go to an email update on the West Street land situation, sent by Liz Reilly on November 11, and another sent on November 15. They’re down, down, down at the bottom of a long page of articles and emails.