(Editor's Note: The following story, and accompanying map, created by the writer for
    the Boy Scouts of Hopedale suggests an historical trail that can be followed by hikers
    in pursuit of knowledge of their community area as well as for the Historical Merit
    badge of the Boy Scouts. The trail could well prove of interest to other Boy Scout units
    in the general Milford area, as well as to adults. In his research the author turned up
    a little known fact, concerning Nathan Hale's trip and visit through Mendon, when he
    was barely 21, and just six months before he was hanged. The story is a highlight of
    this presentation.)

    Since a hike was contemplated over an historical trail, the landmarks were chosen so
    that the distance encompassed would satisfy the urge for a hike without causing
    undue fatigue, yet have enough history to make the hike interesting and pleasant.

    Let’s follow the boys. What better place to start than Ballou Park, there to look at the
    fine monument of Rev. Adin Ballou, recognized as the Founder of Hopedale. The
    boys will find it difficult to read the inscriptions, the lettering, Cape Ann granite,
    apparently not lending itself too legible. Nearby is a plaque referring to the "Old
    House" where Hopedale had its beginning; also to the huge door step of the Old

    From here we will, with permission, of course, go into Draper shop yard and, on the
    wall of one of the buildings we will see a bronze plaque which reads:

    "The Old House," birthplace of Hopedale, built near this spot in 1700 by Elder Jones.
    The Old House was occupied by the Hopedale Community 1842, and razed in 1874.

    Leaving the yard we will continue on Hopedale Street and make a stop between the
    housing for the elderly development and the filling station at the corner. At this point,
    as shown on an old map of 1854 was a road that came from Mendon, known as Post
    Lane. It originated as an Indian trail. When the Milford - Mendon road (now Route 16)
    was built in 1800 the old Post Lane was abandoned.

    Continuing our hike across Route 16 we will stop at Spindleville, which takes its name
    from the millions of textile spindles made there, until quite recently, by the Westcott
    factory. Long before that factory there was a grist mill and saw mill on the same site,
    dating back to the early 1700's. Both are indicated as late as 1870 on a Worcester
    County Atlas. About that time, and later, the site was known as the Gaskill place.

                                                   Hartford Turnpike

    Continuing our hike up George Street towards Mendon, we turn left into that ancient
    piece of roadway,  still a dirt road now known as Old Hartford avenue. Originally it was
    a part of the Boston- Hartford Turnpike. Before that, however, it is frequently referred
    to in old Mendon records as the "Country Road." In effect the writer considers this old
    road as an historic site, hence its inclusion in the hike.

                                                    Albee Corn Mill

    Coming out of the old road we come to Hartford avenue and near the bridge that
    crosses Mill River is the site of the historically famous Albee Corn Mill. Of it Ballou
    says, "The very oldest parcel of land on our (Milford) territory assigned to individual
    possession was one acre for a Corn Mill seat. This was at the present (1880) Lewis B.
    Gaskill place, aforetime known as the Alvin Allen place. There on Mill River, just north
    of the highway, where the ancient dam still remains the old Committee of Quinshipaug
    Plantation  (Mendon) gave Benjamin Alby (Albee) a one acre mill  lot or 'seat', in
    return for which he was to grind the settler's corn. This contract, made in Roxbury and
    dated 1664, also granted him twenty acres for a house lot."

    The mill was built soon after. It is first referred to in Mendon records in 1672 at which
    time the town confirmed the contract and granted Albee 50 more acres for his
    encouragement towards maintaining the mill.

    Albee's house and mill were burned by the Indians , in King Philip's War, in 1676.
    After the resettlement of the town in 1680, Matthias Puffer, became the next miller by
    town agreement. He built his mill in 1684, on the same site where the Albee mill stood.
    Albee left the town during the Indian troubles and never returned. Before his mill was
    built, also Puffer's, the settlers had to cart their corn to Medfield for grinding, a great
    inconvenience. For many years, corn, it its various forms, including the bread made
    from the ground corn, was their staple food, actually their survival food.

    Mill River and Mill Street take their names from the fact of the Albee and other mills
    being on that stream for so many years. On or near the Albee mill site is a small stone
    weaving mill which at one time was a shoddy mill.

                                                     Indian Massacre

    Leaving the old mill site, the first mark of civilization in this area, we will follow Hartford
    avenue, passing Swandale Cemetery on our left, till we reach Providence street and
    there we find the marker telling about the Indian Massacre of July 14, 1675. It is
    interesting to note, as the marker states, that this was the beginning of King Philip's
    War in what is now Massachusetts. The war started in Swansea which, at that time,
    was in Plymouth Colony.

    Disheartened with this turn of events and, fearful of their lives, the settlers fled the
    town. The Indians returned the following winter and completed their savage
    destruction by burning every building in the town. (This paragraph gives the
    impression that no one was in Mendon at the time, but actually the settlers were
    there, and five or six were killed, as the plaque photo on this page shows.)

    Hard, rough, times indeed they were.

                                                  Friends Cemetery

    Heading north on Providence street we turn down George street a short distance and,
    on our right, a sign erected by the Mendon Historical Society, tells us we are at the
    Friends (Quaker) Cemetery. In that yard formerly stood the first Friends Meeting
    House in Mendon. Due to a diminishing membership, it was closed for meetings
    (services) in 1841 and finally razed in 1850

                                                   Ammidon Tavern

    Returning to Providence street and continuing through the center our next stop is at
    the former Ammidon Tavern (now private apartments). This is one of the most historic
    buildings in this entire area, to say nothing of Mendon, and in the writer's opinion,
    should have a marker. It derives some of its fame from the fact that President
    Washington almost slept here. On his way home to New York from his memorable tour
    of New England in 1789, he stopped here to put up for the night. Due to a
    misunderstanding, variously explained, but always blaming the maid who answered
    the door, he was not permitted a room. It was a cold, miserable rainy night in
    November and the party continued to Taft's Tavern in Uxbridge where better luck

                                                       Nathan Hale

    The writer was pleased, indeed thrilled, to discover recently, that Nathan Hale passed
    through Mendon on his way to join his regiment in Boston. The date was Jan. 26,
    1776. He had with him eleven recruits.

    Quoting from his diary, he said, "Stopped at Amadon's Mendon and breakfasted."  A
    note in his account book says, "to Reckoning, Amadon's 7 d per man."

    That was 13 years before Washington passed through Mendon.  Hale, at the time,
    was only 21, and a captain. Less than six months after his stop at Amadon's he was
    hanged by the British as a spy. He was allegedly betrayed by a cousin, a Tory

                                                Old Post Lane Road

    Leaving the rest home, we cross Route 16 and nearly opposite the school we find
    beautiful marker, erected by the Mendon Historical Society, which tells the story of the
    Old Post Lane Road.

    How far down the lane we may go is not certain, since house lots on the left side of
    Route 16, going down the hill into Hopedale no doubt extend into the old road. Traces
    of it however, could still be seen in fairly recent years.

    In any case we will follow the old trail as far as possible and then go out to Route 16
    and home to the starting point, a bit tired, but well pleased with our historically
    interesting hike. Milford Daily News Article,  May 4, 1966 - Thanks to Sharon
    Cutler of Mendon for this article, and to Dick Grady for passing it on for
    inclusion on this site.

    Click here to go to an interactive Google Earth view of the hike area created
    by Erik Kahler. Zoom in when you open the page.

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Peter Hackett with the Old House plaque

Outline Historical Trail For Hopedale Hikers

By Peter Hackett

North Avenue, across from Clough School.