Looking at Jones Road from near the corner of Northrop Street.

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From the National Register Nomination.

    As this 1898 map shows, the Delano Patrick land covered the area where Oak Street,
    Jones Road and Maple Street were later built. Northrop Street was eventually extended
    to meet Freedom Street. The area that became the town park two years after the map
    was drawn was owned by Delano's son, Henry. Henry Patrick sued the town over land it
    took when developing the Town Park and Parklands.. He owned a lot along Hopedale
    Pond as well as the parcel that became the park. (See 1904 map) He won the suit and
    was awarded more money than he had originally been paid.

    Hopedale Village Historic District National Register Nomination, written in 2001 by preservation
    consultant Kathleen Kelly Broomer for the Hopedale Historical Commission.