Where did that cupola come from? How did it get to its present location at Adin Street Park? Why are the benches facing it like it’s a bandstand or something? I have no idea about that, but for the first two questions, click here for the story.
Click on the picture to go to memories of the Town Hall Spa.
New words in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary - 1922.
Here’s another picture from Nancy Arone. A prom at the Community House. Recognize anyone? Want to make a guess as to the year, or maybe to the decade? Proms were held at the Community House at least up through the end of the 1950s.
The EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” list of fruits and vegetables with the highest levels of pesticides on them. Click here to see more, including the “Clean Fifteen,” and info on sunscreens.
So it sounds like Dr. Culverwell could take care of pretty much anything that might ail you. You can find his books for sale on Amazon and Walmart if you’d like to try out his ideas from the 1850s. Hopedale people of that time saw these ads regularly in the Community newspaper, the Practical Christian.
Due to current drought conditions and water tank levels, the Hopedale Water Department will be enforcing Stage 3 water restrictions that will limit outdoor water usage of all kinds to 2 days a week based on your house number. Odd numbered houses will be allowed outdoor water usage on Tuesdays and Thursdays, even numbered houses will be allowed outdoor water usage on Wednesdays and Fridays. No outdoor water usage will be allowed Saturdays, Sundays, or Mondays, or any day between the hours of 9am to 5pm. Residents may water vegetable gardens by the use of a handheld device. These restrictions are not only due to the current drought, but also because one of the department’s wells was deactivated due to elevated levels of PFAS.
Compliance is necessary to avoid stage 4 restrictions which can be found on the Town’s website homepage. These restrictions will be enforced.
This is the last of the “mystery photos” that were left unclaimed at the Hopedale Pharmacy decades ago. Thanks to Amy Burns for them. This is the first of them where I’ve noticed a date. November 1961. Let me know if you recognize him.
Identification from Al Marzetta, who wrote, “The mystery photo is of Richard (Dick) Derderian HHS 63 who has since passed. Dick was a nice guy liked by all.”
The three items above are from localtownpages – Hopedale.
On July 3, my son DJ and I paddled a few miles on the Sudbury River in Wayland. Here are a couple pictures of a heron I managed to get.
These articles about Hopedale’s celebration of Independence Day are from the Milford Gazette. The one on the left is from 1918, and the one on the right is from 1920.
Click above to see the rest of the message.
Work near Mendon Street - July 8.
Crossing at Mendon Street - July 14.
Click on the headline to go to the article.
Band concert at Hopedale town park on July 13 with the Fantasy Big Band.
The Nashua River in Harvard. Click on either picture to see more.
Click on the picture to go the the ezine for July - West Street Homes.
Due to the extreme heat, the concert for Wednesday, July 20 with Southbound Train has been postponed until Thursday. The forecast for Thursday is not promising either, so stay tuned.
The rescheduled concert for Thursday 7/21 with Southbound Train has been cancelled due to the extreme heat.
At the Hopedale Library on Thursday, July 28 at 3 pm, Davis Bates will have a program of stories and songs for the kids. This event is sponsored by grant from the Hopedale Cultural Council. Sign up at 508-634-2209
Next up on the bandstand: 4Ever Fab- Beatles Tribute Band. Wednesday, July 27 at 6:30pm. DJ MIke will entertain the kids 5:30- 6:30pm. No rain date!
Save the date: Hopedale Day in the Park, Saturday, September 17 10am-4pm. Looking for artists for the juried art show, and craft vendors who wish to exhibit.
A big thank you for the latest sponsors :
Platinum: Hopedale Community House
Hopedale Technologies Computer Sales and Service
Gold: Daniel Soares, Electrician
The Cozy Nook
This building at the corner of Water Street and 140 is being razed by Regional, the same company that did the Draper demolition. I think this was originally the home of the Stamp-It Company. Then for many years, a gas station and a dry cleaner had been there. The picture on the left was taken on July 21, and the one on the right on July 26.
The next town pard band concert, Wednesday, July 27 will feature 4Ever Fab, a Beatles tribute band. The music starts at 6:30pm. DJ Mike will entertain the kids 5:30-6:30pm. Refreshments from the Boy Scouts and the council: pizza, snacks, and drinks. There is no rain date for this concert. Sign up for a free giveaway for a gift card to a local eatery. Drawing at 8pm. Must be present to win. Fin and Feather will be on the pond with rentals.
Save the date: 42nd Hopedale Day in the Park Saturday, September 17, 10am-4p We are accepting applications for craft vendors, and artists for the juried art show. See the town website under Cultural Council
Making bird feeders at the Bancroft Library.
Excuse the cliche, but low hanging fruit. It’s been a great year for my pears and Asian pears, but a bad one for my raspberries.
Next and last concert of the summer, Wednesday, August 3 will feature Jumpi’ Juba with some honky-tonk blues.The music starts at 6:30pm. DJ Mike will entertain the kids 5:30-6:30pm. Rain date – Thursday.
Unfortunately we were not able to reschedule Southbound Train. ( They will be in Natick this Thursday)
Refreshments from the Boy Scouts and the council: pizza, snacks, and drinks. Sign up for a free giveaway for a gift card to a local eatery. Drawing at 8pm. Must be present to win.