The two items above are from the online Park Department history. Click here to go to a link to the PDF.

Articles like these above were in the Milford News every summer for many years

Click here to read about swimming champs, Ruth and Frances Howarth.

The beach at Hopedale Pond - 1945
Click photo for names.   

Since I was misquoted three times in two paragraphs, I’d like to make corrections. It’s Lake Singletary, not Lake Singleton, and it’s larger than Hopedale Pond. I have no idea what that is about trees planted and birds brought in. I agree about it being the place to be. When I was a kid, you’d see almost all of your classmates every summer day at the park and the pond.

The rafts at Hopedale Pond were sold and taken to Mashpee in December 2010.

The bathhouse in 2010.

Attendance at the pond peaked in 1968 when the number who signed in to swim reached 18,387. Swim lessons passed were 196 that year. Attendance in 1970 was 17,620, but by 1972, it had dropped to 7395. It went back up into the 12,000s for a couple of years. Numbers weren’t recorded after 1974. These statistics are from the Park Department history. There’s a link to it in the text box at the bottom of the page.

The paragraph above is from a Park Department FAQ page.
June 17, 2023

   Pond, Park and Sports Menu  

Swimming at Hopedale Pond – YouTube   Part 1     Part 2     Part 3

NEAAU Swimming meets, Hopedale Pond, 1938, 1939

Hopedale’s best-known swimmers of the past:
   The Howarth Sisters          John Stanas 

The pond is open!

Park Department History