Hopedale 1886

This map from The Model Company Town shows Hopedale in 1886.  By this time, Main Street had been renamed Hopedale Street, and High Street was being called Dutcher Street.  Social Street went down to Water Street, which eventually disappeared as more Draper shops were built. Union Street in those days crossed the river and went all the way to the cemetery.

As I look at this map, I wonder if the six identified locations were originally part of it, or if they were added by Garner, the author of The Model Company Town. There are a number of errors in the book, and there are a couple of things on the map that don’t appear to be right. First, I’d say the W.F. Draper house would be the one indicated a bit to the right of the 3, not the one just next to it. Also, the 5 is for the E.S. Draper House, not the E.F. Draper House.

The “birdseye view” of Hopedale in 1888 gives a better idea of what the town looked like in that decade.

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