James Stringfellow, Henry Stenberg, Thomas MacNevin, Howard Smith, Albert Woodhead, (far rear), Harry Pickard, Joseph Grillo, Ed Binks, E.B. Tifft, Victor Pepper.
Jack Hayes, ?, Ed Binks, Al Woodhead, Fred Tiffany, Stewart Stringfellow (Rear), Bill Northrop, Howard Smith, Henry Smith, Harlan Cote, Ira Noyes, George Almond Draper, Charles Merrill, Arthur Fuller, Charles Forster (Rear), Soderberg, E.B. Tifft, Bill Lunt, Harry Pickard, Carl Stanas, Gordon Good, ?, Al Lovejoy, Erwin Darron (sp? white pants), ?
Thomas MacNevin, Harlan Cote, Jack Hayes, Charles Merrill, F.M. Fitzgerald, Howard Smith, Henry Brown, G. A. Draper, Carl Stanas, Victor Pepper, Harry Pickard, Leon Lemon at piano. I see the sheet music is for Oklahoma. Are they singing “O-K-L-A…” …or maybe “Surry with a Fringe on Top?”
Fred Tiffany, Stewart Stringfellow, Howard Smith, Bill Northrop, Charles Merrill, George Almond Draper, Carl Stowers, Soderberg, G. H. PIckard, Claude Snider, Ed Binks.
Madison Goff, Henry (Hank) Billings, Gordon Clark, Marshall Newell
William Child and Hamilton Thayer, both in back. Madison Goff and John Gannett, (bow tie) front.
Retirement Party for George Henry “Harry” Pickard
The Larches – 1950
Thanks to Mary Ellen Pickard Shaw, granddaughter of George Henry “Harry” Pickard, for these pictures. Harry was Assistant Works Superintendent at Draper Corporation when he retired in 1950. Ms. Shaw wrote, “When he went to work in 1900 at age 15 he was making 15 cents per hour.”
It seems that these pictures show another event in addition to the Pickard party. Jack Hayes noticed that his father appears in two pictures wearing different ties. Perhaps if you look close, you can find other men with different ties.