Words first included in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in 1923.
On a cold, windy February 8, 1927, I was born. Not in a hospital, two miles away inMilford, Massachusetts, like most of the townspeople. No. I came into the world at 121 Freedom Street, better known as the “Seven Sisters.” This makes me proud in a sense because my birth certificate shows Hopedale as my birthplace. Most of my generation was born in Milford. This would make me a charter member of Paradise, right? Click on John’s picture to read his memories of “growing up in Paradise.”
Map drawn in 1904 showing owners of land which was bought by the town to create what is now generally known as the Parklands. In the earlier years it was called the Reservation. The town park is shown at the lower left, with the name of the owner, H.L. Patrick on it. Patrick’s plan was to sell house lots there. As you can see on the map, Patrick also owned land along the pond. His land was taken by the town by eminent domain. Patrick sued, and won, over the price he was paid. Click here to see two newspaper articles about the suit.
Most recent satellite view of the cleared West Street land.
Click on the photo to read about the Hopedale Senior Ruth teams big year of 1973.
Click above to go to these stories on the Localtownpages site.
Turtles in the sun – Blackstone Canal, Uxbridge.
Good to see. A couple of sections of that wall have been leaning for a long time.
The wall long ago, with the Warren Dutcher house on the left, and the General Draper home on the right. Photo courtesy of American Antiquarian Society.
July 11.
Mushrooms in the Parklands, each about a foot in diameter. Good enough to eat, or the last supper?
Hopedale Pond viewed from the west side.
My neighbor, Wade Magee, has some interesting things that he’s made, in his yard. Click on the pizza oven to see more.
Photo shows recent work at the Rosenfeld site. Click on it for a history of trhe company.