Hopedale Unitarian Church - Click picture for a page on the history of the church.
Hopedale Pond with a skim of ice - January 3.
This house at 105 Adin Street (shown here from the Mendon Street side) was originally the home of Bristow and Queena Draper. Bristow was disowned by his family when he married Queena in 1907. Eventually he was forgiven, went to work at Draper Corporation, and became president of the company in 1929. Click on the picture to read about Bristow and Queena.
Click above to see the January issue of the monthly paper.
Richard grew up in the Water Cure House on Hopedale Street in the 1960s. More than a century after its brief use as a water cure establishment, during the time of the Hopedale Community, it was still known to its residents and neighbors by that name. Click on the picture to read about Richard’s Hopedale years.
Words first included in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary in 1924.
Parklands map from Mark Andolina’s 2014 Eagle Scout project. Click on it to see more.
G&U yard - January 6.
Click picture to see more of Draperville.
On January 7, we had seven inches of wet, heavy snow.
Beech/Dutcher streets - January 5.
January 7
Below the dam at Freedom Street.
Below the dam at Mill Street.
Above – January 10. The Mill River after about four inches of rain, plus melting snow, on the night of January 9 – 10. Click here to see more pictures of the river, from Freedom Street to the Country Club.
The Blackstone River in Northbridge and Uxbridge on January 10. Click here to see more
Uh-oh, I missed mentioning the centennial of the building of White City. This picture was taken in 1923. I suppose not all the houses were completed until at least 2024, so close enough. Click here for more of White City.
Cross Street, White City - January 22.
Click on the picture above (taken on January 22) to see more of Hopedale Pond from the ice-cutting days and the last dozen years.