This house at 34 Adin Street was the home of Frank and Malinda Dutcher. It was built in 1905, and named Oakledge Manor. It’s now owned by the Seven Hills Foundation. Click on the picture to take a YouTube look inside. Marvel of Beauty, Showplace for Hopedale said the Milford News in a1905 article. Click here to read it.
From Michael Connelly – Looks like David Villani at the lower right corner of the Draper flag with dark brown hair, between the guy in the pink on the right and the guy in the red on the left.
The lot at the corner of Freedom and Progress streets.
About ten year ago I gave some tulip bulbs to my neighbor, Barbara Webster. She planted them across the street from her house on Inman Street, and since then we’ve seen them pop up announcing spring every year.
Click here to see pictures of the Inman Street houses under construction, and shortly after they were built.
While walking on the Milford trail off of Dilla Street, my son and I saw two falcons (I think) fighting over something. It was probably about who was going to eat the mouse. That’s the winner pictured above. The mouse came in third in this contest.
From Mike Connelly – That is a male Coopers Hawk, not a Falcon. Beautiful aren’t they? They like to pick off little birdies at your feeder.
Click here to go to a page about the similarity of the two bird species.
The General Draper statue in Milford, including the names of some of the battles he fought in. He was seriously injured in The Battle of the Wilderness, and was lucky to survive it. Click here to read about that. Click here for more about the statue.
For many years Draper Corp. had two cranes with electromagnets that traveled on rails in the Draper yard, and were used to move scrap iron and steel. Now an excavator with an electromagnet is being used to pull iron and steel out of the piles of rubble.